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Disease Surveillance

Contact us

  •  850-833-9065


    850-833-7577 (confidential)

    Mailing Address

    221 Hospital Dr. NE 

    Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 


Disease Outbreaks in the Community

The Florida Department of Health in Okaloosa County (DOH-Okaloosa) Disease Surveillance Branch investigates food and waterborne illnesses and reportable diseases in the community. An outbreak occurs when two or more unrelated individuals present similar symptoms and can be linked through a shared location or time. Following a report, the Disease Surveillance staff conducts phone or face-to-face interviews of ill individuals to determine how and when they became ill and if others have been exposed. If the investigation implicates a local facility (restaurant, school, daycare, etc.), an inspection of the establishment will be conducted by members of the Disease Surveillance and/or Environmental Health Branches.

For Physicians, Labs, and Hospitals

Use the Disease Reporting Form (PDF 272 KB) (PDF) to report communicable diseases. Complete the form and fax or mail it to Disease Surveillance with a copy of the lab report.

  • 24/7 Confidential Fax: 850-833-7577
  • Mailing Address:

Florida Department of Health in Okaloosa County - Disease Surveillance
221 Hospital Drive NE
Ft Walton Beach, FL 32548

Reporting Requirements

Practitioner Reporting

Laboratory Reporting

To report tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS, please call:

  • Tuberculosis: 850-833-9240, Ext. 2313
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases: 850-595-6740
  • AIDS/HIV: 850-595-6337

Emergency Planning and Response

DOH-Okaloosa actively plans for an efficient response to health emergencies occurring within our community. The Disease Surveillance Branch is part of the emergency responder team along with the Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Health Branches.

The Disease Surveillance staff is trained to respond to man-made emergencies (i.e., bioterrorism) and naturally occurring health threats (i.e. pandemic influenza and hurricanes). They are responsible for evaluating our community’s health needs and for assisting in any mass immunization or prophylaxis (antibiotics and/or immunizations).

Animal Bites

Animal bites or injuries require immediate attention and possibly a visit to a doctor or emergency room because domesticated and feral animals can transmit a large number of diseases to humans. Special attention and urgency should be given to injuries involving small children (up to 2 yrs old) or injuries located above the neck and shoulders (i.e. face bites).

Even though only animal injuries requiring rabies treatment are reportable to the Florida Department of Health, all animal bites should be reported to DOH-Okaloosa.

If you need to report an animal bite, contact DOH-Okaloosa, Environmental Health Branch at 850-689-7859. If the bite is from a cat, dog, or ferret, Environmental Health staff is responsible for attempting to locate the animal and making sure it is kept in observation at the owners’ home or the local animal control facility for a 10-day quarantine. The bite report is then forwarded to the Disease Surveillance staff for evaluation. 

Rabies Exposure Report (PDF 47KB)